Many parents, carers and educators contact us when they notice some things about their child at home or at school that they feel are challenging for them.
They begin wondering whether or not therapy could be helpful. For some people therapy is unfamiliar and they don’t know what to expect. They may even be worried that therapy could be stressful for their child.
At Spot, we follow an affirming and trauma informed approach which means we are seeking to identify and understand an individual’s strengths just as we are trying to understand their challenges.
Therefore, we view assessment as a collaborative process where families are viewed as the experts in their own child’s life and we as professionals bring expert knowledge in the areas such as speech and language or motor development to help families identify areas that could benefit from support.
We can then generate a plan that may involve standardised testing, referral to other health services such as audiologists or paediatricians, and if appropriate, we develop an on-going therapy plan that feels right for you and your family.
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